Not Sure Why Websites Are Important?
Would it be awesome if you had something working for your business when you are away or "closed"? There are two ways to accomplish that. One, running digital advertisements and two, having a informational presentation that the advertisements are funneling leads to. It can inform, upsell, and close deals on your behalf.
The job of a website is to convert visitors into leads. Give your customers the experience they want.
Mapping Out
There are criteria's that websites have to follow in order to get the most out of the investment. The website has to be easy to navigate, brand matching, informational, professional, and available. Those standards along with others, are what helps turn a website to a sales closing mean machine.
HNJ will help walk you through the entire process from domain purchase, retaining ownership process, how to maintain, and monetization methods.

Lead Generating Design
At HNJ our secret formula is generally quite simple. We ask ourselves one question, "what would our customers want to experience?" We have structured our model after that phrase and we implement that into our web designs. Model after the major billion dollar corporations and learn from their actions. A good website experience has the power to create a snowball effect of new and repeat sales.
Web design
The amount of effort put towards your website the more you will get out of it. Front end user experience is first in mind at HNJ.

Making it to the first page of Google is a journey, but its one that will take your business to the next level. Ask us how we can help your business do that!